Why Do We Need Paper Flexible Packaging?

How Does The Platic Packaging Impact The Environment

Plastic packaging has a significant impact on the environment throughout its lifecycle. Here are some ways how plastic packaging impacts the environment, especially unrecyclable plastic material:

1. Production: Plastic production requires the use of fossil fuels. The extraction of these fuels results in air pollution and contributes to climate change. Plastic manufacturing also produces toxic emissions, such as benzene and vinyl chloride.

2. Waste and Pollution: A significant issue with plastic packaging is that it does not completely biodegrade and can persist in the environment for hundreds of years. Many discarded plastics end up in the oceans, contributing to marine pollution. Marine animals such as fish, turtles, and birds often mistake plastic pieces for food and end up consuming them, leading to a severe threat to their health.

3. Petroleum Dependency: Plastic production is heavily reliant on petroleum and natural gas. Increasing demand for plastic products means more drilling for fossil fuels, which results in environmental degradation and pollution.

4. Landfills: Only a small fraction of plastic waste gets recycled, with a significant portion ending up in landfills. The problem is that plastic waste takes hundreds of years to decompose, so these landfills will continue to grow with landfill sites having an environmental impact, which can cause damage by contaminating soil and groundwater.

  • Effects on Wildlife: Plastic debris in the oceans and on land harms marine and terrestrial wildlife through ingestion, entanglement, or suffocation, leading to severe health impacts and death.

Why do We recommend To Use Paper Packaging?

Here are some reasons why paper packaging is a good idea compared to plastic packaging:

1. Renewable resource: Paper is made from natural and renewable resources like trees and can be sustainably grown and harvested. Unlike plastic, paper is biodegradable and recycles easily.

2. Lower carbon footprint: The production of paper has a lower carbon footprint compared to plastic production since it requires less energy and emits fewer greenhouse gases.

3. Recyclable and compostable: Paper packaging is easier to recycle and compost compared to plastic packaging. It can break down into nutrient-rich compost that helps to enrich soil.

4. Safer for wildlife: Paper is nontoxic and does not pose the same threat of entanglement or ingestion for wildlife compared to plastic packaging.

5. Brand Image: Using paper packaging demonstrates a company’s commitment to sustainability, which can improve their brand image and increase customer loyalty.

6. Customer preference:  Many consumers are more eco-minded and look for eco-friendly products and packaging options from socially responsible companies.

Overall, using paper packaging over plastic packaging has numerous benefits, including being an eco-friendly alternative that produces less environmental harm and is more easily disposed of.

Who Is Using Paper Flexible Packaging?

There are various companies around the world that are using paper flexible packaging for their products. Here are some examples:

1. Lush – The cosmetic products company uses paperboard-based packaging for its shampoo bars, massage bars, and other products.

2. Seventh Generation – The eco-friendly household cleaning company uses recycled paper packaging for several of its products, including toilet paper and paper towels.

3. Nestle – As part of their commitment to sustainability, Nestle uses paper-based packaging for their Nespresso coffee capsules and other products.

4. Kao Corporation – The Japanese personal care brand uses paper packaging for their Biore skincare products.

5. Pukka Herbs – The organic tea company uses paper-based materials for their tea bags and cardboard-based packaging for their tea boxes.

6. REN Clean Skincare – The British skincare brand uses FSC-certified paper for its packaging, making it more sustainable.

These are just a few examples of companies using paper-based flexible packaging for their products. Many other brands, particularly those committed to sustainability, have started to move towards more eco-friendly packaging options like recycled paper, biodegradable plastics, and other materials.

For more details on paper packaging material or high-barrier paper packaging options, please kindly send us an email: sales@holapaper.com, we will get back to you within 24 hours.

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